quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010
Saiba quais são os problemas do Internet Explorer 6
Você tenta ver um vídeo no YouTube e não consegue? Talvez o problema não esteja no site, e sim no seu computador. Caso você tenha o Internet Explorer 6 instalado na sua máquina, pode se deparar com esse e outros tipos de problema.Essa versão do navegador da Microsoft, lançada em 2001, é alvo constante de críticas por conta de limitações e falhas de segurança. Tanto é que a Microsoft divulgou, na semana passada, um boletim em que pede aos usuários para atualizarem seu browser para a versão mais recente.Entre as críticas feitas ao IE6, destacam-se as que dizem que o navegador é desatualizado e defasado e não dá suporte a funcionalidades e tecnologias de hoje em dia.Leia mais (27/01/2010 - 13h55)
sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2010
Widespread attacks exploit newly patched IE bug
URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-01-23-011-35-NW-MS
IT World: "Starting late Wednesday, researchers at antivirus vendor Symantec's Security Response group began spotting dozens of Web sites that contain the Internet Explorer attack..."
sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010
LCA 2010: Allison warns of patent traps in Mono
URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-01-22-012-35-NW-CY-EV
IT Wire: "Patents are the only threat that Microsoft can brandish against free and open source software and that is exactly why people should be wary of the Mono project, free software advocate and Samba hacker Jeremy Allison told a packed auditorium at the 11th LCA today."
quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010
Microsoft's Latest Vulnerability is 17 Years Old
URL: http://www.dailytech.com/Microsofts+Latest+Vulnerability+is+17+Years+Old/article17471.htm
Elevation of privilege vulnerability has existed exclusively on 32-bit Windows versions since Windows 3.1
How can people blame on GRUB if windows doesn't like another bootloader?
URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-01-21-029-35-OP-MS-SW
Technology FLOSS: "In my opinion, it's something as simple as old Microsoft's motto in action: "It's the Microsoft way or the highway"."
Windows Update Does Not Like GRUB
URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-01-21-019-35-OS-MS-UB
Jamie's Random Musings: "If you are running a multi-boot configuration with Windows and Linux, and using GRUB as the bootloader, you may be headed for trouble."
terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010
Microsoft Announces Plans to Delete Search Query Data After 6 Months
New policy will take at least a year to implement
segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010
Microsoft Says Upgrade To IE8, Even Though It's Vulnerable
Barence writes "Microsoft has issued a statement urging people to upgrade their browser to IE8, after the zero-day exploit that was used to attack companies such as Google went public. According to Microsoft's security advisory: 'the vulnerability exists as an invalid pointer reference within Internet Explorer. It is possible under certain conditions for the invalid pointer to be accessed after an object is deleted. In a specially-crafted attack, in attempting to access a freed object, Internet Explorer can be caused to allow remote code execution.' But, although IE6 has been the source of the attacks until now, Microsoft's advisory admits that both IE7 and IE8 are vulnerable to the same flaw, even on Windows 7."
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Para França e Alemanha, Internet Explorer deve ser evitado
A França e a Alemanha recomendaram aos usuários daqueles países uma alternativa ao Internet Explorer enquanto usam o browser para navegar na internet.Feitas no domingo (17) e hoje, as recomendações vêm logo após a Microsoft ter admitido que uma falha no navegador proporcionou a invasão aos e-mails de ativistas em direitos humanos na China.
Divulgação |
França e a Alemanha recomendaram aos usuários daqueles países outro navegador |
Dump Internet Explorer Now
URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-01-18-007-35-NW-DT-MS
Sure, It's Secure: "The latest zero-day flaw exists not just in bad old IE 6, but in every modern version of IE."
Microsoft has a plan to improve Bing's poor indexing
Recently a user on the Bing community forums asked why his new site was taking so long to be indexed by Redmond's search engine, to which a Microsoft employee replied that the slowness was an unfortunately expected behavior.
User prathaban1 wanted to know why www.kidandparent.in, which he submitted to the Webmaster Console using a sitemap.xml almost six weeks ago (and Bing calculates has about 14 backlinks) was not getting any love from Microsoft. He said he managed to get the homepage indexed with the help of a Brett Yount, Program Manager of the Bing Webmaster Center, but that was nothing compared to what Google and Yahoo had done: they indexed almost 400 and 200 pages, respectively.
domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2010
Empresa alerta para falha de segurança do Internet Explorer - Terra Brasil
ClickPB | Empresa alerta para falha de segurança do Internet Explorer Terra Brasil A empresa de segurança McAfee Labs divulgou nesta sexta-feira um alerta sobre um novo tipo de ataque cibernético, chamado Aurora, que explora vulnerabilidades do navegador Internet Explorer e foi usado para invadir várias redes corporativas em todo o ... Invasão do Google China se deve a falha no Internet Explorer CEO da Microsoft diz que empresa não vai sair da China Ataque ao Google teve ajuda do IE |
Microsoft bots perform denial of service on Perl Testers
URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-01-16-010-35-NW-MS
The H Open: "The bots were identified by their IP addresses, including 65.55.207.x, 65.55.107.x and 65.55.106.x, as coming from Microsoft."
sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010
Germany advises its citizens to say 'nein' to Internet Explorer
URL: http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/16/germany-advises-its-citizens-to-say-nein-to-internet-explorer/
Germany advises its citizens to say 'nein' to Internet Explorer originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 16 Jan 2010 17:33:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
PermalinkThe Microsoft-Linux Story As Told in the Comes Exhibits
URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-01-15-031-35-NW-MS-LL
Groklaw: "As far back as 1999, Bill Gates was asking his executives if there was a way to make things harder for Linux. For example, here's Comes Exhibit 3020:"
segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2010
Mozilla Starts To Follow a New Drumbeat
URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/z0XURS9LGag/Mozilla-Starts-To-Follow-a-New-Drumbeat
ChiefMonkeyGrinder writes "Key, then, to the Drumbeat project is openness, specifically openness as applied to the Internet. That fits in well with the original impulses behind Mozilla and Firefox. The former was about transforming the Netscape Communicator code into an open source browser, and the latter was about defending open standards from Microsoft's attempt to lock people into Internet Explorer 6 and its proprietary approaches. Both Mozilla and Firefox have succeeded, but the threats have now changed."
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010
Are Microsoft to blame for "hidden" malware costs and will Windows 7 make any difference?
URL: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/microsoft_hidden_malware_costs_windows_7
A couple of stories have hit the headlines this year concerning the huge cost that some UK Local Governments incurred when dealing with malware attack on their Windows machines. If you missed them, Manchester City Council had a single USB infected with the infamous Conficker worm and it cost them — brace yourself — £1.5m (US$2.4m) of which £1.2m (US$1.9m) was spent on IT, of which a staggering £600,000 (US$980k) went on consultancy fees including money to Microsoft. A while later, Ealing Borough Council were hit with a cost of £500000 (about US$800k) when they were also hit by a single USB stick containing conficker. Some in the industry tweeted and blogged this as being a “hidden cost of using Microsoft Windows”. In the ensuing discussion, many pointed out that the high cost was really due to the lack of a proper patching and disaster recovery policy at the council. So which is right? Is dealing with malware a hidden cost of using Windows or of a poor IT strategy?
sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2010
Microsoft critica modelo de negócios do Nexus One - Zero Hora
Info Corporate | Microsoft critica modelo de negócios do Nexus One Zero Hora O que o celular do Google tem de diferente? Uma mesma empresa (Google) desenvolvendo software e estabelecendo padrões para o hardware – o que a Apple já faz. Além disso, o Nexus One é vendido livre de operadoras pela própria Google, medida vista por ... Nexus One coloca Google e Apple em rota de colisão Google apresenta seu celular, o Nexus One Google lança seu celular, o Nexus One |
quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2010
Grupo de consumidores italianos planeja processar a Microsoft
Um grupo de consumidores italianos está planejando abrir um processo contra a Microsoft, a fim de procurar compensações pelo Windows pré-instalado em computadores para pessoas que não o querem. A associação de consumidores Aduc afirmou na terça-feira (5) que irá apresentar o caso em um tribunal de Florença.
Daniel Munoz -22.out.09/Reuters |
Consumidores estão planejando abrir processo contra a Microsoft, a fim de procurar compensação pelo Windows pré-instalado |