domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2007

Microsoft Admits Vista Has "High Impact Issues"


EggsAndSausage writes "Microsoft has granted, in a roundabout way, that
Vista has 'high impact issues.' It has put out an email call for
technical users to participate in testing Service Pack 1, due out later
this year, which will address 'regressions from Windows Vista and
Windows XP, security, deployment blockers and other high impact
issues.' It's hard to know whether to be reassured that Service Pack 1
is coming in the second half of 2007, and thus that there is a
timeframe for considering deployment of Vista within businesses, or to
be alarmed that Microsoft is unleashing an OS on the world with 'high
impact issues' still remaining." In other news, one blogger believes
that Vista is the first Microsoft OS since Windows 3.1 to have
regressed in usability from its predecessor (he kindly forgives and
dismisses Windows ME). And there's a battle raging over the top 10
reasons to get Vista or not to get Vista.

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