sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2008

Fw: Should Microsoft Be Excluded From EU Government Sales?

David Gerard writes "From Groklaw: Heidi Rühle, a Green Party MEP, has
presented a question regarding whether or not Microsoft should be
considered as having failed to fulfill the conditions to participate in
public procurement procedures in Europe, as laid out in Article 93(b)
and (c) of Financial Regulation — '(b) they have been convicted of an
offense concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has
the force of res judicata; (c) they have been guilty of grave
professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting
authority can justify' — and the Commission anti-trust penalty just
happens to fulfill both of those conditions." The EU Commission is
required to respond within 6 weeks to such a question from a member of

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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