sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008

Microsoft Documentation Declared Unfit For US Consumption

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/Kv1FPVQm7C0/article.pl

anomalous cohort writes "Washington DC judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly announced during the ongoing Microsoft antitrust hearings that their documentation is unfit for US Consumption. This is relevant in an antitrust hearing as poor documentation on how to inter-operate with Microsoft's products is seen as an unfair barrier to entry for companies who compete with Microsoft. Others see this as yet another example of their crumbling hegemony or indolence as their empire burns."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2008

Refusing Digital Monitoring Policies

URL: http://www.defectivebydesign.org/blog/1147

Bruce Schneier has brought a new form of Digital Restrictions Management to our attention:

Microsoft is doing some of the most creative thinking along these lines, with something it's calling "Digital Manners Policies." According to its patent application, DMP-enabled devices would accept broadcast "orders" limiting capabilities. Cellphones could be remotely set to vibrate mode in restaurants and concert halls, and be turned off on airplanes and in hospitals. Cameras could be prohibited from taking pictures in locker rooms and museums, and recording equipment could be disabled in theaters. Professors finally could prevent students from texting one another during class.

It sounds innocent enough, until Schneier pulls back the curtain to show the real motivation behind these policies:

Don't be fooled by the scare stories of wireless devices on airplanes and in hospitals, or visions of a world where no one is yammering loudly on their cellphones in posh restaurants. This is really about media companies wanting to exert their control further over your electronics. They not only want to prevent you from surreptitiously recording movies and concerts, they want your new television to enforce good "manners" on your computer, and not allow it to record any programs. They want your iPod to politely refuse to copy music a computer other than your own. They want to enforce their legislated definition of manners: to control what you do and when you do it, and to charge you repeatedly for the privilege whenever possible.

Consumers are objecting en masse to the idea of their own computers and devices continuously and indiscriminately policing their activities via Digital Restrictions Management. So it's no surprise that Microsoft is hatching plans to soft-pedal these same restrictions under the term "manners." This is just old wine in new bottles -- Microsoft wants another way to control your activities.

Since they would be the patent holder, they can profit from selling this ability to monitor and control you to others. There's no doubt that their main customers would be the same media distribution companies who are struggling to cripple the technology that makes them irrelevant -- technology that enables many more artists and creators to share their works directly with the public.

Microsoft's patent abstract says:

Similar to some of the social manners honored among people, such as with "no smoking" or "employees only" zones, "no swimming" or "no flash photography" areas, and scenarios for "please wash your hands" or "no talking out loud", devices may recognize and comply with analogous "device manners" policy.

It's common for companies pedaling digital restrictions to try to find parallels in the analog world, to make the restrictions seem familiar and correct. But these are flawed comparisons -- no machine covers your mouth with duct tape when you enter a "no smoking" zone just to make sure that you don't smoke. Nobody breaks your fingers to make sure that you don't use the flash on your camera in a museum.

Digital restrictions require you to hand over your privacy and freedom in advance. They are inherently unsafe because people other than the intended parties can access these mechanisms for monitoring and restricting you. They are inherently untrustworthy because you aren't legally allowed to know what's going on behind the scenes on the device in your pocket, including the contents of its continuous conversation with whichever corporation it's reporting to. The purpose of the restrictions might sound benign but their mechanism is unacceptable -- and what these companies are actually after is acceptance of the mechanism, so that they can then put it to other uses.

Digital Restrictions Management and "Digital Manners Policies" both use the fear that some people might not do the right thing to justify treating everyone like a criminal and taking away our freedom. We shouldn't accept this justification to cripple what are otherwise incredibly useful and powerful tools for innovation and creativity. "Digital Manners Policies" are really "Digital Monitoring Policies," and we should refuse them.

read more

quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2008

More Independent Studies Against GNU/Linux

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2008-09-25-012-39-IN-MS-PD

Boycott Novell: "Only last year, Microsoft's PR icon had an important message to bear and to share: It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not."

quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008

A Linux Zealot Examines Microsoft Vista

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2008-09-24-009-20-RV-DT-MS

TechRepublic: "I know, I know... you're wondering why this is in the open source blog. The reason is simple: I have used open source operating systems for a long, long time now. I have championed against Microsoft for over ten years."

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2008

Serviço na internet converte novo formato de arquivo do Word

URL: http://redir.folha.com.br/redir/online/folha/informatica/rss091/*http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/colunas/canalaberto/ult3810u446881.shtml

O Word 2007 introduziu um novo formato de arquivo chamado Microsoft Open Office XML Format, que possui a extensão (.docx). Esse formato não é compatível com as versões antigas do Word. Como esse formato é o padrão de gravação, muitos usuários dessa nova versão acabam desconhecendo essa incompatibilidade e podem causar problemas quando enviam o documento para outras pessoas que não possuam o Word 2007. O documento simplesmente não vai abrir. Se você receber um documento nesse formato e tiver uma versão antiga do Word, pode usar um serviço gratuito na internet que faz a conversão desse formato para o formato antigo do Word. O serviço tem opções para converter o documento para o formato do Word, para PDF, RTF e formatos do pacote OpenOffice. Leia mais (19/09/2008 - 19h50)

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2008

Fw: Microsoft tester fired after talking about Xbox 360 defects


After sharing information with an online news source about the Xbox 360
defect rates and flaws, game tester Robert Delaware has lost his job
and may face civil charges.



quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008

Fw: Miko$oft paraliza bolsa de londres por 7 horas

acho que nem assim os miko$oftianos de carteirinha vão se convencer..
:== begin
A TradElect, plataforma de comércio para a bolsa de valores de Londres,
baseada em Microsoft .Net, esteve fora do ar por 7 horas, significando
que seus acordos de níveis de serviço (SLAs) de 99.999% de
disponibilidade já foram 'gastos' para aproximadamente os próximos 100
anos. O TradElect foi lançado em junho de 2007 e foi projetado para
aumento de velocidade e capacidade do sistema.

Mais em: http://www.reuters.com/article/ousiv/idUSL01084620080908

Fonte: http://tech.slashdot.org/tech/08/09/08/185238.shtml

:=== end

irado furioso com tudo
Linux User 179402/FreeBSD BSD50853/FUG-BR 154
Não uso drogas - 100% Miko$hit-free
se o país é democrático, por que razão sou obrigado a votar?


terça-feira, 2 de setembro de 2008

Fw: IE8 Beta 2 Fatter Than Firefox and XP

snydeq writes "Consuming twice as much RAM as Firefox and saturating
the CPU with nearly six times as many execution threads, Microsoft's
latest beta release of Internet Explorer 8 is in fact more demanding on
your PC than Windows XP itself, research firm Devil Mountain Software
found in performance tests. According to the firm, which operates a
community-based testing network, IE8 Beta 2 consumed 380MB of RAM and
spawned 171 concurrent threads during a multi-tab browsing test of
popular Web destinations. InfoWorld's Randall Kennedy speculates that
Microsoft may be designing IE8 for the multicore future. But until your
machine sports four or eight discrete processing cores, IE8 will remain
'porcine,' Devil Mountain's Craig Barth says."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
