quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

Microsoft Has NASA Block GNU/Linux Users

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-28-017-35-OS-HE-MS

Boycott Novell: "Summary: Microsoft touches NASA and turns public data into privilege of proprietary software users only"

NASA embraces Microsoft format -- but adds an open-source twist

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-28-014-35-NW-BZ-MS

Tech Flash: "NASA is processing immense sets of images and data from Mars and the moon into a special Microsoft format for viewing in the Redmond company's WorldWide Telescope online program."

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Ridiculous Software Bug Workarounds?

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/JMscsonwP_c/article.pl

theodp writes "Ever get a workaround for a bug from a vendor that's so rigoddamndiculous that there has to be a clueless MBA or an ornery developer behind it? For example, Microsoft once instructed users to wiggle their mouse continuously for several minutes if they wanted to see their Oracle data make it into Excel (yes, it worked!). And more recently, frustrated HP customers were instructed to use non-HP printers as their default printer if they don't want Microsoft Office 2007 to crash (was this demoed in The Mojave Experiment?). Any other candidates for the Lame Workaround Hall of Fame?"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

sábado, 23 de maio de 2009

Vírus Conficker contamina 50 mil PCs por dia - Terra Brasil

URL: http://tecnologia.terra.com.br/interna/0,,OI3780264-EI4802,00-Virus+Conficker+contamina+mil+PCs+por+dia.html


Vírus Conficker contamina 50 mil PCs por dia
Terra Brasil
O Conficker, malware visto como a pior praga dos últimos tempos e que já estava começando a ser esquecido, voltou a fazer notícia depois da divulgação de estatísticas da Symantec, que informa que 50 mil novos PCs são infectados diariamente. ...
Sem holofotes, Conficker volta a crescer Info Online
Conficker está ativo e infecta 50 mil PCs por dia, alertam ... IDG Now!
Sol - O Pantaneiro
all 13 news articles

Messenger é bloqueado em 5 países em crise diplomática com os EUA

URL: http://ct.idg.com.br/cgi-bin/redirector.cgi?rnd=0&uid=d6115dc889b8c8d01f18bf1d1523eaee&site=idgnow&origem=idgnow/internet&url=http%3A//idgnow.uol.com.br/internet/2009/05/22/messenger-e-bloqueado-em-5-paises-em-crise-diplomatica-com-os-eua&title=Messenger%20%E9%20bloqueado%20em%205%20pa%EDses%20em%20crise%20diplom%E1tica%20com%20os%20EUA&type=RSS

São Francisco – Microsoft bloqueou Messenger em Cuba, Síria, Irã, Sudão e na Coréia do Norte, países que "ameaçam" interesses dos EUA.

Malware found on brand new Windows netbook

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-22-024-35-NW-MS

IT Business CA: "The firm is warning users to take extra precautions, and ensure virgin systems are malware free before connecting them to the Internet."

sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009

Microsoft charity crackdown spurs boycott

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-21-025-35-NW-MS

Computerworld: "The Redmond giant is pressing ahead with new global software licensing agreements, some imposing a whopping 500 percent price increase, to stamp-out what it initially claimed were illegal uses of its discounted offerings by not-for-profit agencies."

Ex-Microsoftie: Free Software Will Kill Redmond

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-21-021-35-OS-MS-DV

NetworkWorld: "Bill Gates probably will not sing the praises of Keith Curtis, a programmer with Microsoft for 11 years who's now left the fold and written a book about why the Redmond way will fail. Oh yeah, Curtis is not afraid to speak his mind as a Linux guru, either."

EUA condenam Microsoft a pagar US$ 200 milhões por violação de patente

URL: http://redir.folha.com.br/redir/online/folha/informatica/rss091/*http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/informatica/ult124u569087.shtml

Um tribunal federal do Texas (EUA) condenou a Microsoft ao pagamento de US$ 200 milhões para a empresa canadense de softwares i4i, porque a fabricante do sistema operacional Windows supostamente violou uma patente. A informação foi divulgada pela própria Microsoft nesta quarta-feira (20). Envolvida em diversas batalhas de patentes, a maior fabricante de softwares do mundo afirmou que a sentença é "insustentável", e que planeja recorrer.
Kiyoshi Ota/Reuters
Visitantes em feira no Japão; Microsoft é condenada a pagar US$ 200 mi em caso de violação de patentes
Visitantes em feira no Japão; Microsoft é condenada a pagar US$ 200 mi por patente
Leia mais (21/05/2009 - 09h30)

quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

Microsoft Downplays IIS Bug Threat

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/8SbrCtH2kjk/article.pl

snydeq writes "Microsoft confirmed that its IIS Web-server software contains a vulnerability that could let attackers steal data, but downplayed the threat, saying 'only a specific IIS configuration is at risk from this vulnerability.' The flaw, which involves how Microsoft's software processes Unicode tokens, has been found to give attackers a way to view protected files on IIS Web servers without authorization. The vulnerability, exposed by Nikolaos Rangos, could be used to upload files as well. Affecting IIS 6 users who have enabled WebDAV for sharing documents via the Web, the flaw is currently being exploited in online attacks, according to CERT, and is reminiscent of the well-known IIS unicode path traversal issue of 2001, one of the worst Windows vulnerabilities of the past decade."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2009

Microsoft Patents Crippling Operating Systems

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/Bagc7_bxmrw/article.pl

theodp writes "On Tuesday, Microsoft was granted US Patent No. 7,536,726 (it was filed in 2005) for intentionally crippling the functionality of an operating system by 'making selected portions and functionality of the operating system unavailable to the user or by limiting the user's ability to add software applications or device drivers to the computer' until an 'agreed upon sum of money' is paid to 'unlock or otherwise make available the restricted functionality.' According to Microsoft, this solves a 'problem inherent in open architecture systems,' i.e., 'they are generally licensed with complete use rights and/or functionality that may be beyond the need or desire of the system purchaser.' An additional problem with open architecture systems, Microsoft explains, is that 'virtually anyone can write an application that can be executed on the system.' Nice to see the USPTO rewarding Microsoft's eight problem-solving inventors, including Linux killer (and antelope killer) Joachim Kempin, who's been credited with getting Microsoft hauled into federal court on antitrust charges." Sounds like the mechanism by which Microsoft sells one version of Vista to all users, and lets users upgrade to higher-tier flavors of the OS after cash changes hands.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Dell Indicates Windows 7 Pricing Will Be Higher

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/kWWwwSoj8QM/article.pl

ausekilis sends us word that a Dell spokesman said, without giving numbers, that Windows 7 pricing will be higher than Vista's or XP's. "Windows 7 pricing is potentially an obstacle to Windows 7 adoption for some users, though in just about every other aspect the operating system is beating Vista, according to a Dell marketing executive. ... [Darrell] Ward continued, 'In tough economic times, I think it's naive to believe that you can increase your prices on average and then still see a stronger swell than if you held prices flat or even lowered them. I can tell you that the licensing tiers at retail are more expensive than they were for Vista. ... Schools and government agencies may not be able to afford (the additional cost). Some of the smaller businesses may not be able to enjoy the software as soon as they'd like,' Ward said.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

Microsoft to users: Don't switch to Vista

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-17-001-35-OP-DT-MS

Practical Technology: "It's official. Bill Veghte, Microsoft's senior VP for Windows business, told an audience of the Microsoft faithful at TechEd that Windows users should not switch to Vista"

sábado, 16 de maio de 2009

A Microsoft pode ter uma derrota inédita na Justiça brasileira.

Briga boa

A Microsoft pode ter uma derrota inédita na Justiça brasileira. Envolve uma ação da Sergen, empresa do Rio, contra a multinacional, por uma vistoria, 10 anos atrás, na qual o juiz expediu mandado de busca contra produtos piratas na empresa.


Eram três peritos em inspeção à empresa, todos indicados pelo juiz na ocasião. O primeiro relatório registra supostos 100 programas piratas. No segundo, o número caiu para 40. E o último perito não encontrou irregularidades.

Toga quente

O caso está no STJ. O ministro-relator, João Otávio, votou a favor da multi. O ministro Salomão pronunciou-se contra. O presidente da 4ª Turma, ministro Gonçalves, pediu vista. Mas, antes do fim da sessão, o ministro Passarinho adiantou o voto a favor da Sergen. Placar por ora: 2 a 1. E o clima está quente entre as togas.


Numa eventual derrota da Microsoft, o caso abre precedentes para outras empresas recorrerem. Hoje é assim: a multi tem telefone para denúncias sobre suposta pirataria. Um juiz autoriza a busca, sem a defesa prévia da empresa, que em muitos casos não tem mais nota fiscal dos produtos.

Informe JB


quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2009

IE Losing 10% Market Share Every Two Years

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/JQe6nPSMQkw/article.pl

mjasay writes "Mozilla's Asa Dotzler points to some interesting long-term trends in browser market share, noting that 'browser releases aren't having any major impact on the macro trends,' which suggests that a better IE will likely have little impact on its sliding market share. The most intriguing conclusion from the data, however, is that Firefox could surpass IE market share as early as January 2013 if Firefox continues to gain 5 percent every year, even as IE drops 5 percent each year. In the past, Microsoft might have fought back by tying IE to other products to block competition, but with the EU keeping a close antitrust eye on Microsoft and the US Obama administration keen to make an example of an antitrust bully, Microsoft may have few good options beyond good old fashioned competition, which doesn't seem to be working very well for the Redmond giant, as the market share data suggests. Microsoft's loss of IE market power, in turn, could have serious consequences for the company's efforts to compete with Google on the Web."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009

DRM Hell

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-11-009-35-NW-MS-LL

Linux Journal: "I used to think that it was applied for valid reasons However, after my latest episode with my laptop, I am seriously considering the headaches of DRM, especially when applied to software. Follow along for the current tale of woe."

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009

A Few Facts As Antidote Against Microsoft's anti-ODF FUD Campaign

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-08-027-35-NW-MS-LL

Groklaw: "The best antidote against FUD is facts. FUD only works when people don't know any better. So, given some recent anti-ODF FUD in the air, I thought it would be useful to provide some facts."

Microsoft, Intel goof up Windows 7's "XP Mode"

URL: http://feeds.arstechnica.com/~r/arstechnica/index/~3/0DGO4w5Dkjc/r2e-microsoft-intel-goof-up-windows-7s-xp-mode.ars

companion photo for Microsoft, Intel goof up Windows 7's "XP Mode"

The CPU support picture for Windows 7 was blessedly simple, at least until this week, when Microsoft complicated things for one corner of its upcoming OS. This new wrinkle was the discovery that Windows 7's recently announced XP Mode would only work on processors that supported either Intel's VT or AMD's AMD-V. The vast majority of AMD's lineup, except for Sempron, has AMD-V and will work, but the Intel situation is much more complicated, and in some ways, worse.

Click here to read the rest of this article

Windows and Viruses - Made for each other

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-08-007-35-SC-MS

PlanetOSS: "This is the screenshot of the cnet's download.com which shows the most popular downloads for windows. The first five positions are taken by anti-virus software :-)."

Windows 7 makes me laugh

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-05-08-009-35-OP-MS

The Beez Speaks: "I happen to be Dutch and if you're into Linux that is a major disadvantage. If countries were shops, The Netherlands would be a Windows-only shop."

sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009

Microsoft se defende de acusação da UE - Info Online

URL: http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/negocios/microsoft-se-defende-de-acusacao-da-ue-29042009-37.shl

Info Online

Microsoft se defende de acusação da UE
Info Online
BRUXELAS - A Microsoft já respondeu às reclamações do órgão antitruste da União Europeia que a acusa de prejudicar a concorrência no mercado ao unir seu sistema operacional Windows com o navegador Internet Explorer. ...
Hello assina primeira campanha para Microsoft AdNews
Internet Explorer no Windows continua a dar dores de cabeça à ... Exame Informática Online
TeK.sapo - IDG Now! - Blue Bus
all 6 news articles

IE8 Update Forces IE As Default Browser

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/XkN_S8euHzs/article.pl

We discussed Microsoft making IE8 a critical update a while back; but then the indication was that the update gave users a chance to choose whether or not to install it. Now I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes in with word that the update not only does not ask, but it makes IE the default browser. "Microsoft has a new tactic in the browser wars. They're having the 'critical' IE8 update make IE the default browser without asking. Yes, you can change it back, but it doesn't ask you if you want IE8 or if you want it as the default browser, it makes the decisions for you. Opera might have a few more complaints to make to the EU antitrust board after this, but Microsoft will probably be able to drag out the proceedings for years, only to end up paying a small fine. If you have anyone you've set up with a more secure alternative browser, you might want to help check their settings after this."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.