quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2009

Hospital Equipment Infected With Conficker

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/5VhVJXMxOJw/article.pl

nandemoari writes "Recently, the Conficker/Downadup worm infected several hundred machines and critical medical equipment in an undisclosed number of US hospitals. The attacks were not widespread; however, Marcus Sachs, director of the SANS Internet Storm Center, told CNET News that it raises the awareness of what we would do if there were millions of computers infected in hospitals or in critical infrastructure locations. It's not clear how the devices (including heart monitors, MRI machines and PCs) got infected. Infected computers were running Windows NT and Windows 2000 in a local area network (LAN) that wasn't supposed to be Internet accessible, but the LAN was connected to one with direct Internet access. A patch was released by Microsoft last October by November that fixes the problem, but the computers infected were reportedly too old to be patched."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

Service Pack 2 do Office 2007: Cai a insustentável resistência da Microsoft

URL: http://www.softwarelivre.org/news/13313

Depois da imensa campanha mundial de marketing e lobby em favor da aprovação incondicional do MSOOXML(defeituoso, inconsistente e aprisionante) o anúncio, feito essa semana pela empresa de software produtora da suíte MSOffice, de que o novo service pack inclui a implementação de suporte ao padrão ODF representa mais um reconhecimento da gigante de software e seus parceiros de que o ODF é o padrão para formatos de documentos.

Conficker's estimated economic cost? $9.1 billion

URL: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-04-28-026-35-SC-BZ-MS

ZDNet: "In a recent blog post, the Cyber Secure Institute claims that based on their previous studies into the average cost of such malware attacks, the economic loss due to the Conficker worm could be as high as $9.1 billion."

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009

Windows 7's Virtual XP Mode a Support Nightmare?

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/zDFlh6yvrg4/article.pl

CWmike writes "Microsoft's decision to let Windows 7 users run Windows XP applications in a virtual machine may have been necessary to convince people to upgrade, but it could also create support nightmares, analysts said today. Gartner analyst Michael Silver outlines the downsides. 'You'll have to support two versions of Windows,' he said. 'Each needs to be secured, antivirused, firewalled and patched. If a company has 10,000 PCs, that's 20,000 instances of Windows.' The other big problem Silver foresees: Making sure the software they run is compatible with Windows 7. 'This is a great Band-Aid, but companies need to heal their applications,' Silver said. 'They'll be doing themselves a disservice if, because of XPM, they're not making sure that all their apps support Windows 7.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

Researchers Show How To Take Control of Windows 7

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/9OvbXgKeyNQ/article.pl

alphadogg writes "Security researchers demonstrated how to take control of a computer running Microsoft's upcoming Windows 7 operating system at the Hack In The Box Security Conference (HITB) in Dubai on Thursday. Researchers Vipin Kumar and Nitin Kumar used proof-of-concept code they developed, called VBootkit 2.0, to take control of a Windows 7 virtual machine while it was booting up. 'There's no fix for this. It cannot be fixed. It's a design problem,' Vipin Kumar said, explaining the software exploits the Windows 7 assumption that the boot process is safe from attack. While VBootkit 2.0 shows how an attacker can take control of a Windows 7 computer, it's not necessarily a serious threat. For the attack to work, an attacker must have physical access to the victim's computer. The attack can not be done remotely." Which makes me wonder why I'm posting this :)

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2009

Microsoft é condenada a pagar US$ 388 milhões por violação de patente

URL: http://redir.folha.com.br/redir/online/folha/informatica/rss091/*http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/informatica/ult124u548178.shtml

A gigante informática Microsoft foi condenada ao pagamento de US$ 388 milhões à empresa Uniloc por violação de patente de um dispositivo contra pirataria.
Rick Wilking/Reuters
Microsoft é condenada nos EUA ao pagamento de US$ 388 milhões por violação de patente
Microsoft é condenada ao pagamento de US$ 388 milhões por violação de patente nos EUA
Um tribunal do Estado de Rhode Island concluiu que a Microsoft utilizou, de forma deliberada e ilegal, uma patente da Uniloc, e fixou uma indenização milionária contra o grupo fundado por Bill Gates. Leia mais (09/04/2009 - 09h01)

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

Microsoft: descoberta falha de segurança no PowerPoint - Agência Financeira

URL: http://www.agenciafinanceira.iol.pt/noticia.php?id=1054696&div_id=2974

Info Online

Microsoft: descoberta falha de segurança no PowerPoint
Agência Financeira
Espera-se já por uma actualizaçãoA Microsoft está a alertar os seus utilizadores para uma falha no PowerPoint. De acordo com o portal «Terra», que cita o site «The H Security», a falha aparece devido a um objecto inválido na memória, ...
Windows XP e Office 2003 terão suporte limitado a partir de 14 de ... IDG Now!
Falha de segurança é descoberta no PowerPoint Terra Brasil
Zero Hora - Info Online - TeK.sapo
all 12 news articles

sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2009

Windows XP e Office 2003 terão suporte limitado a partir de 14 de ... - IDG Now!

URL: http://idgnow.uol.com.br/computacao_pessoal/2009/04/03/windows-xp-e-office-2003-terao-suporte-limitado-a-partir-de-14-de-abril

Info Online

Windows XP e Office 2003 terão suporte limitado a partir de 14 de ...
IDG Now!
Framingham – Sistema operacional e pacote corporativo terão suporte nativo interrompido pela Microsoft em menos de duas semanas. A Microsoft anunciou que deixará de lado o suporte para o Office 2003 em 14 de abril, o mesmo dia em que o Windows XP dá ...
Falha de segurança é descoberta no PowerPoint Terra Brasil
Ataques exploram falha no PowerPoint Info Online
TeK.sapo - PC World - IDG Now!
all 11 news articles